A Harry Potter Baby

Rachel and Kyle are Potterheads and hence have friends of the same ilk. Their very good friends, with whom they’ve won HP trivia night competitions, had a baby in August. I knew I wanted to make a baby gift on theme and was amazed when I found some HP double-gauze at Joann’s. The double-gauze swaddling blankets that our own granddaughters have are parent favorites — great for swaddling and for a light cover in the warm weather, and a breathable cover-up when nursing in public. I’d never worked with it before, but there are enough YouTube videos promising it’s easy that I gave it a go. Turns out it is pretty easy to work with. It’s also wider than regular cotton — 52″ or so — and makes a nice big square.

Another favorite of our granddaughters is the crunchy toys they have. They’re easy for a baby to hold on to, make noise, and are soft and safe. Theirs don’t have little taggies on them, but I read about taggie toys online, so I combined the two and made crinkly taggie toys. The online instructions made large 12-15″ versions but our granddaughters’ 6-8″ version seemed nice too, so I made one of each–might as well use up all the scraps! And of course, I had to make embroidered burp cloths which are always so welcome. I abandoned the HP theme for those.

I’m told the small taggie toy is a favorite of his. I love getting photos of my gifts being used:

Materials Used
Harry Potter themed quilting cotton from Joann Fabrics, HP themed double-gauze (sometimes called muslin) from Joann Fabrics. Moda Grunge Seeing Stars in sunflower (basket lining and back of small taggie toy).

Crinkle plastic film phonic toy filler, 100% cotton 4-6-4 prefold diapers, 15-30# (regular) size, Soft N Stable foam stabilizer byAnnie

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